
Long before COVID-19 struck, we were extoling the benefits of leading-edge antimicrobial technology and its ability to negate everyday germs, harmful viruses and even killer superbugs from everyday surfaces. But, at first, associated costs seemed to be the main point of resistance rather than ignorance of its benefits?

Credibility had to be demonstrated, so for manufacturers and product developers, a clinical approach using case studies and testimonials across trade and sector specific publications (healthcare, food & beverage, education, etc) was employed, coupled with more emotive stories – trending and seasonal issues – in the mainstream press aimed at the end user.

Industry awards and events strategy came to the fore and the PR also took on a CSR perspective to change perceptions of the industry and what BioCote has to offer and why? This all helped to apply pressure on specifying BioCote – and especially how its impact added to the bottom line.

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